Advanced in vitro cancer models

Cancer metastases represent the greatest challenge of modern medicine due to their high impact on patient mortality. Our lab studies the metastatic process through 2D and 3D human in vitro models across multiple scales. We successfully  design  and  develop human  vascularized  macro and microfluidic systems that mimic in vivo biophysical and biochemical organ specific microenvironment with the aim to study different steps of metastasis. Particularly, we are able to analyze the crosstalk between breast cancer and endothelial cells in organ specific microenvironments through the establishment of endothelial monolayers or perfusable microvascular networks. We study the gene silencing effect in each step of extravasation, which can be dissected in adhesion, trans-endothelial migration and early invasion of secondary organs leading to metastatic colonization.


15/12/2010 Silvia Lopa starts her PhD!!!
We are happy to announce that Silvia Lopa will soon start her PhD in Biotechnology Applied to Medical Science (University of Milan) as part of our research group!
03/11/2010 Meet us at TeRM in Lattrop (18-19 Nov)!
01/09/2010 Meet us at TERMIS-AP in Sidney (15-17 Sep)!
01/06/2010 Meet us at TERMIS-EU 2010 in Galway (13-17 Jun)!
18/05/2010 Dr. Matteo Moretti wins the NASA Tech Brief Award
We are happy to announce that CTE-Lab PI Matteo Moretti, PhD, has been awarded with the NASA Tech Brief Award for the development of scientific and technical innovations
