Matteo Moretti

Matteo Moretti
Head of laboratory

Matteo Moretti is head of the Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab at IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, Milan, Italy. Prior to this he worked as postdoctoral fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard-MIT Div. of Health Science and Technology, Langer Lab. Both of his degrees, B.Eng (Politecnico di Milano) and research M.Sc (Trinity College Dublin, with Prof. P.J. Prendergast) are in Bioengineering. He obtained a European Ph.D from Politecnico di Milano, pursuing his research also in Prof. I. Martin’s Tissue Engineering Lab at U. Basel. His main research interests lie within osteochondral and cardiovascular tissues and bioreactor technologies. In particular, on engineered tissues and in vitro model systems, 3D tumor models, tissue vascularization and in multi-scale bioreactor systems as a key to more viable and accessible tissue and cell therapies. He is member of the TERMIS-EU Council and  invited Expert Reviewer for various Governments and Institutions, amongst which EU-FP7/HORIZON2020, UK BBSRC, Hong Kong ITC, Portugal FCT, German BMBF, Netherlands ZonMw and ETH Zurich. He has been awarded a number scientific prizes including a N.A.S.A. Tech Brief Award for development of scientific or technical innovations. Industrially, he has been coordinator of EU Projects for Fidia Advanced Biopolymers, has a licensed patent and is co-founder of 2 biotech startups (SKE s.r.l. and CELLEC A.G.) focused on bioreactor technologies.


Matteo Moretti, PhD

I.R.C.C.S Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi

via R. Galeazzi, 4

20161 Milano, Italy

Phone: 0266214049
Fax: 0266214060


10/02/2014 Mara Gilardi starts her PhD!!!
We are happy to announce that Mara Gilardi will soon start her PhD in Life Science (University of Milan-Bicocca) as part of our research group!
19/02/2014 Congratulations to Silvia Lopa for her PhD graduation!!!
09/10/2013 Meet us at CORS 2013 in Venice (13-16 Oct)!
05/10/2013 Dr. Alessandro Pozzi wins the Italian Hand Surgery Society 1st Prize
We are pleased to announce that CTE-Lab collaborator Alessandro Pozzi, MD, has been awarded with the Italian Hand Surgery Society 1st Prize for the work “The trapezium in subjects affected by rizoarth
18/09/2013 Meet us at BMES 2013 in Seattle (25-28 Sep)!
